
Questionnaire Results and Analysis

Through the use of a questionnaire I have found various objections to my past plans for the magazine. I had produced a 10 person questionnaire consisting of 10 questions in which I have now been able to base my magazine production on. I have thoroughly examined the questionnaire in which my original plan has been objected by certain answers. One point can be taken in to consideration, however, and may show bias, is the fact that 70% of the people who partook in the questionnaire where male

The questionnaire that I have carried out may also show some certainty in the results due to the fact that 60% of people regularly read magazines. This therefore means that these people will have more of a certainty in what they want to see in a successful magazine. However, there are some complications due to the fact that 50% of them only purchase magazines from time to time.

On the basis of the magazines genre 70% of them said that they listen and are interested in the Rock genre. Even though I only carried out the questionnaire on ten people, it gives me some certainty that the genre is v=ry popular with audiences and should be the main focus of the magazine. Through the questionnaire I have also determined what title, for the magazine, is most popular with audiences as the two that I had suggested were based on two different genres. This in turn helps my decision when naming the magazine. I also determined that both new and old artist’s articles are popular with audiences with the results coming back as 50-50.

However, there were some complications in my questionnaire. For example, 70% of people said they wish the magazine to be priced between £1.30-£1.50. The magazine could be produced at this price; however, 60% wanted a wide range of graphics which would result in a higher cost of the magazine. This creates problems for the analysis of the questionnaire.

I have also examined what most readers like to see in a magazine. Through my questionnaire it is shown that 60% of readers prefer the magazine to contain freebies.