
Kerrang Front Cover Analysis

This type of magazine is that of a rock genre intended for people whom listen and are interested by rock music and background. From the front cover we can interpret that the issues that are to be dealt with in this magazine will be about My Chemical Romance and what effects audience hatred has on their morale. We can also interpret that a number of different issues will be dealt with through the use of puffs, anchorage text etc. From the front cover many different articles can be found for example, there is going to be an ultimate review on topics concerned wit the rock industry during the 2006 era.

The target audience for this magazine are people who are interested in the rock genre/industry. This can be seen evident through the use of certain groups whom appear on the front cover. For example, My Chemical Romance is evidently a rock band, due to the props, i.e. they are all wearing black to blend in with the magazine, they also have that gothic edge to them through their body language and hair styles, and Kerrang is best known for its coverage of rock music and live events. Quite evidently it can be interpreted that the magazine is aimed at a young audience, preferably 13-25, through the use of such things as amount of graphics, and the types and boldness of font. Evidently the magazine is intending to immediately draw their target audience’s attention which is a key element of any successful magazine. Also, age can be considered when you think about the typed issues that are covered on the front cover. For example, younger readers are interested in extras, whether range from exclusive stories to freebies. Kerrang covers this evidently on the front cover and uses a bold font and non-contrasting choice of colours. For example, where it says ‘plus’ the phrase is produced in bold, and the colour is placed in red to coincide with the yellow background. This creates a stand out effect.

Through analysing the central image it can be evidently noticed that the direct mode of address is to show confidence and no fear. This point is backed up by the use of the phrase ‘It’s okay to hate us’. The group My Chemical Romance is aiming to promote the point that they show no remorse towards there audiences jibes and through their facial expressions give a sense of morality and integrity.

This tells us that the group want to develop a strong relationship with its audiences by reassuring them that the taunts are both unnecessary but heard. It aims to develop a relationship with its reader that they are confident and are not people whom give in to taunts. It gives the reader a sense of heroism, as the reader may be inspired by the way in which the band have approached the situation.

My Chemical Romance is used as the central image on the front cover of this magazine. It is appearing on the front cover as it is a ‘reader’s poll special’. This can mean that the magazine is aiming to build a strong fan base by attempting to listen to their audience’s opinions. They could also be apparent due to their popularity. Seeing as their image is central, it could be like this to grab the reader’s attention.

The anchorage text on this front cover states ‘it’s okay to hate us’. This implies that the artists are confident and are respectful. Through the anchorage text we can interpret that the artists are not afraid of taunting from their various audiences.

The title of this magazine connotes many things. Through looking at the title it can be interpreted immediately that the magazine will be aimed at the rock genre. This can be seen evident through the use of graphics. Such as, the fact that the title is reminiscent of shattered glass. This does not immediately imply that it must be tagged to the rock genre, however, shattered glass is predominately seen in several music videos of this particular genre. Also, to add emphasis, the magazine as used the phrase ‘life is loud’. This stands out due to the fact that it is in a different colour compared to the title. This could imply that the magazine wants the reader to notice this, mainly, due to the fact that instruments of this genre are particularly loud unlike of genre instruments.

The puff word in this magazine is the 2006 ultimate review. This implies to the reader that there will be a review on the events of 2006 in the rock industry. The puff word is very unique; it is also predominant over many other phrases on the page, due to the fact that it is on a grey background. A colour that is only used once on the cover, making it unique. This may draw reader’s attention as it is unusual but also stands out. It also uses a unique bold font which is not evident anywhere else on the cover.

The colours black and red are used regularly throughout the front cover of the magazine. It can be seen as attractive to those whom are interested in rock as they are two colours which are regularly used in the rock genre/industry. Different types of font are used for different meanings. For example, the magazine font appears in bold when aiming to grab the reader’s attention or to emphasise a point. The magazine also uses smaller font to describe what a puff or anchorage text is talking about.

Overall the magazine uses many successful methods in order to attract the audience of which it is intended to. It uses strategies such as the use of graphics, colours, font sizes, puff, anchorage text, imagery etc. These can be outlined as very successful in drawing attention to the audience.