
Evolution Of Britney Spears Part 3

This image is used for a specific reason. The magazines main aim with this image is to show he distress and current life affairs of Britney Spears. The magazine uses the close up successfully so that the reader is able to interpret the body language of the person in question. It also gives the reader an idea of what is to be contained in the magazine, and gives them reason to continue reading. The use of black and white is very significant in this image, due to the fact that Britney Spears has been overwhelmed with unwanted media attention due to her current life affairs which include dealings with drugs and alcohol. The use of black and white brings out the distress and desperateness for help that Britney is aiming to present to the reader.
This image has been cropped so that the image is transformed into a close up. This enables the audience to interpret the body language of Britney. This image has been cropped successfully for many reasons including the fact that it shows the growing troubles of Britney’s life.
Britney presents herself as wanting to develop a fresh and new relationship with the reader due to her current life affairs been a bad influence on all of her audience/fans. She can also be seen as asking for forgiveness due to her facial expression which shows distress and depression. This can also be backed up through the anchorage text which states, ‘Inside an American Tragedy’. This implies that Britney wants to develop a fresh and new relationship with the reader by first telling of her life and accepting the mistakes which she has made. Through accepting her mistakes the reader may be led to forgive Britney, which makes the image successful in reaching its purpose.


JML said...

What other connotations might the use of black and white have? Think about old Hollywood stars...