
Clash Contents Page Analysis

Through examining the layout of the Clash contents page it can be seen that the layout is reminiscent of the back of a CD cover. In terms of the way in which the writing and images is placed. For example, regularly a CD back cover would have a central images with text often placed out such as that of Clash magazine. It could imply that the magazine is aimed at many different audiences through the fact that the contents is laid out specifically in different sections. Perhaps to state a change in genre. This could include anything from R’n’B to rock.

Due to their covering of a wide range of genres Clash is able to draw in a wide audience that could include any age from teenagers to adults of any age. Due to the layout it could imply that the readers are particularly older than that of Kerrang and NME due to the fact that it contains less images and colours which a younger audience finds attractive, whereas an older audience likes to get straight to the point.

The central image is reminiscent of Jesus, through his body language, stance and hair. This could imply that Clash is either dominant or that it has control etc. Therefore, this could back up the reason for their covering of a range of genres and how successful it is.

It is different to NME and Kerrang for several reasons. For example Clash is aimed at a range of genres unlike the above. It also introduces a different style of layout which is not reminiscent of NME or Kerrang which has what you could call a consistent layout. Another point to consider is the fact that the layout of images is not the same in that Kerrang, for example, uses images to describe or present a specific piece of content where as Clash just simply labels the piece of content with a brief description.Also, the content on this page is not fully emphasised like Kerrang and NME. Fro example, Kerrang would use a range of colours and fonts to emphasis a piece of content whereas Clash just simply places content in to a specific area according to topic. However, unlike Kerrang and NME, Clash’s content page is much more descriptive and accessible due to the lack of images, font and colours. It is set out in sections that enable the reader to easily access a piece of content.