
Evolution Of Britney Spears Part 2

This image has been framed/cropped to present the image that Rolling Stones and Britney are aiming to present. One could imply that this magazine connotes sex appeal; however 40% of Rolling Stones readers are female. Taking this into consideration, Britney can be seen as wanting to express another side of her. It is evident that she is being quite playful to the male eye. However to the female audience she is showing that you don’t have to fully expose yourself in a image to gain popularity. This can be seen through certain props such as the cotton underwear. The type of shot that the magazine uses is a medium long shot.

Britney’s pose can be seen as being quite playful. It can be assumed that her costume is constructed to attract a wider male audience. However, Rolling Stones has 41% female audience, which then backs up my earlier point of Britney being quite playful rather than sexual. The idea of Britney being playful is evident through her exposure. For example, Britney is well covered up in the image. She also uses cotton underwear which could suggest that she is not aiming to attain a sexual image. However, is Rolling Stones was aiming to promote Britney to a male audience, then, they have used conventions in the image which are regularly associated with men’s magazines. Through examining her facial expressions it can be seen that Britney is showing innocence. Unlike the first cover, Britney chooses an expression which is less sexual and less submissive.
The setting is reminiscent of a bedroom, due to the use of the bed sheets. This could further connote Britney’s playful side, in that she uses the setting of a bedroom to add more emphasis to her teasing demeanour.
The lighting is used effectively in order to show Britney in the view of what the reader will preferably want to see. For example there is lighting particularly concentrated on the parts of Britney which will be viewed in particular by the audience. There is also a large concentration of light on Britney’s hair to show the colour of her hair. This could connote how ‘bright’ she really is, whether that be in the music industry or not.
White is a predominately used colour throughout the cover. This can be used as reference to the bedroom setting where white is a predominately used colour. It may also be used for to add emphasis on the lighting effect, so that Britney is more visible to the reader so that she shines out on the page. The other use of black, white and red is reminiscent of the American flag. This could imply to the reader that Britney is aiming to show her All-American persona.


JML said...

Another detailed analysis, well done!