
Evolution Of Britney Spears Part 1

This image has been cropped closely so that Britney is shown for a purpose. This type of frame can be used to create more sex appeal or to add extra effect on what the magazine is aiming to promote. Rolling Stones and Britney Spears are working together through this magazine to gain higher popularity levels for themselves. Rolling Stones wants to use Britney as there cover girl due to her current rise in status, whereas Britney wants to be on the front cover of a world renowned magazine to gain higher popularity and status. This image uses the mid-long shot to show Britney. Also, the fact that the camera is looking down on Britney gives the reader a sense of dominance over her. However, even though Britney can be interpreted as creating sex appeal, she is actually being quite submissive in allowing a male gaze. However there is great controversy which is tagged with this photo. Due to the fact that Britney was only 17 at the time, there were negative connotations carried with the photo. The photo and background meant that the image was to gain unwanted growing publicity from the media due to its shocking and provocative nature.
Through examining Britney’s costume it can be interpreted that Britney is either a teenager or aiming at teenagers. Her image is seen as expressive and shows her ‘naughty’ side. Britney seems to be appealing to a range of ages. Through the use of these costumes, many different age groups and sexes are attracted by the magazine. An example is her lack of clothing which defines her ‘naughty’ side, which could attract a larger male audience. This would be successful for Rolling Stones as their main target audience is male of around the age of 20-30. Also, through the use of a collared shirt Britney shows her schoolgirl act, which could then attract teenage girls as they could see Britney as someone to relate to. This is also an inter textual reference to her debut single ‘hit me baby one more time’.
In these images the magazine has used certain props such as the telephone to convey age differential. For example, the use of the phone softens up the picture and makes it more playful than keeping it to sexual. Also, the use of the tele-tubby expresses her childish and sensitive side. Through the use of these props Britney is able to play on the stereotype of a teenager.
The setting of this image is on a bed. This image is reminiscent of many teenage girls seen in movies whom are talking consistently to their friends on their beds in a relaxed way. Britney expresses all of these connotations in this image. Also, if you were to think of Britney as a schoolgirl (due to her costume) this could imply that Britney is expressing the average life of any teenage girl after school. Therefore, it is ok to look at her, due to what she is expressing.
The inter textual reference being referred to here is that of the film ‘Lolita’. This is an inter textual reference to the schoolgirl image of Lolita where a young girl aims to seduce men. Britney presents the schoolgirl image in both this image and her single ‘hit me baby one more time’.
The magazine implements a darkish pink colour in the background of this magazine. This could be used to express the more mature side of Britney, showing her audience that she is not just any ordinary schoolgirl or a schoolgirl at all. However, if the magazine was to use a light pink colour it would lead the reader to believe that Britney is still just a child who wishes not to be. This would have a negative effect on the central image.


JML said...

A really thorough piece of analysis Stuart. You have explored how Britney is reprensented through mise-en-scene and camera, as well as taking into consideration the context in which the image was taken.

Make sure that you consider these points carefully when you construct your own images. Who is your audience? What image are you presenting for your magazine?