
Kerrang Contents Page Analysis

The magazine uses a range of different images to represent the specific piece of content. Theses images have been constructed so that they are in connection with the specific area of content. For example, when a piece of content is shown there is an image behind or next to it to give the reader an idea on who the person/s is. As seen on this contents page there is an image of an album related to the specified genre which is representational of an area of content which is described in the page. Also, there are certain images which the magazine believes is important and needs to be emphasised. For example, the central image on this contents page is of ‘Biffy Clyro’, obviously the magazine is aiming to promote or emphasise them for a specific reason. This may be due to the fact that they are a new up and coming band as specified or the fact that they are very popular amongst Kerrang’s audiences. They original findings which I carried out on Kerrang magazine. Due to the fact that it uses specific images to represent a story or piece of content.

Regular colours and font are used in this contents page. Which is in cohesion with the Kerrang front cover? It consistently uses the colours black, red and yellow, which could see the rock industry as acting as a semantic field. It uses a regular font to describe certain issues but will however, use different font sizes to emphasise a certain point. For example, the phrase ‘This Week’ is emphasised. Also, the font and colours are used together to promote sub-tiles. For example, in the ‘This Week column the sub-titles are presented in black and yellow to emphasise an area of content. This method is also used with the images where the content page numbers are presented in black and yellow to create a stand out effect. This also supports the style of the front cover which also uses the same methods to publicise content.

The information is organised successfully so that it is accessible to the audience through using syntax. For example, when a piece of contents is described there will be a sub-message below to describe the particular piece of content. Also, the use of the ‘This Week’ column is effective as it organises all the different pieces of content in to their related topic. This enables the reader to access certain pages easily without the need for flipping pages. Moreover, pages with no related topic, or pages that need emphasis are placed central on the contents page with images so that they are noticed by the reader. This therefore makes pages that are of significance accessible to the reader which is a convention that successful magazines adapt. The different sections are set out through the contents to give descriptions of what the reader is to find in the magazine.

There are promotional features seen in the contents which can be seen in the bottom right hand corner. The promotion is to subscribe to the magazines next issues. It states the cost and amount of issues you will receive. This is effective in that it gives the reader the accessibility to purchase other magazines without the need for shopping.

The magazine logo can be seen in several images on the contents page. However it is not a dominant image due to the fact that it is only noticeable on front cover images. Although, it may appear dominant to some, where it is placed next to the editors’ message. This is not very effective due to the fact that the reader will not noticeably see the logo, and therefore it is not dominant and has no effect.

There are no other brand franchises present on the contents page. However this does not mean that the brand doesn’t have any other franchises as this could be seen further on in the magazine. However the term ‘K’ as a franchise is often referred to on the front cover which implies Kerrang but could also infer another franchise.


JML said...

Good analysis, you have considered how the page layout helps the audience to navigate their way through the magazine. There are a number of things here that you could use in your magazine for example the subscription!

What language is used on the page and how does this appeal to the audience? Is there a reason that so many images are used in comparison to Q or Clash magazine?