
Evaluation Of Music Magazine

When creating my magazine product I aimed to incorporate several features from existing magazines such as Kerrang and NME, in order to make my magazine look more professional and therefore making it successful. Several features that I have used include colour, font, and layout and image style. Along with this I aimed to emulate the style of anchorage text, buzz words and puffs. When incorporating these features I tried to make them as precise as that of an existing successful magazine so that my magazine would to be successful. In order to do this I had to look at several existing magazines like Kerrang and study their conventions while creating my magazine. For example, in the case of buzz words I aimed to make them look as effective as possible, as I felt they were key in a magazine. I also looked at other magazines in order to see how contrasting they were to my design. For example, I looked at the magazine VIBE, which is based on the hip-hop genre, even though I created a rock magazine, I felt it was key to look at successful magazines in all genres in order to create a more successful magazine. While looking at existing magazines is key to creating a successful magazine it is important to ask the audience of your given genre what they want as they will be the people purchasing your magazine. To do this I carried out a questionnaire, from which I determined what layouts and features to include in my magazine. For example, I have constructed my front cover so that the title and central image correspond with my questionnaire. The title for my magazine is ‘X-Stream’, which had majority votes in one of my given questions. I have placed the title in bold and the top centres in order for it to be visible to the audience as this is were titles are generally placed. Moreover, for the central image I have used a low angle shot in order to present the band member as dominant. The fact that the audience has to look up to him shows his dominance and control, perhaps over the music genre. The main social groups that my magazine represents is from those that listen to my chosen genre that is rock. Groups regularly associated with this genre include, Goths and Emo’s who express themselves through rock and are commonly if not always associated with this genre. Keeping with my aim to making a successful magazine, I have had to make sure my magazines appeals to them through the conventions that I have used. I have emulated such magazines as Kerrang and choose to keep to colours such as black, yellow and red, which, except yellow, are quite dark and may emulate the way that these groups feel. However, I could not simply choose these colours because I believed that they were appropriate and that they had appeared in several other magazines. To make sure that I was heading in the right direction I handed out a questionnaire, and within it asked all social groups what colours they would prefer.The answers that I received enabled me to make a solid conclusion on what colours to use and therefore making sure that my magazine appealed to my main social group as well as a wider audience, which was needed in order to make my magazine more successful. When constructing the images for my magazine I had to work around that of my main social group. For example, on my front cover I have presented my image so that the character is powerful through using a low angled shot. The props that I have used with my character also present him as a rock star, and his facial expressions imply that he may be playing to a crowd. When creating this magazine I took into consideration that the rock genre is typically a ‘white’ genre. I chose to develop a character outside of this genre so that I could reach out to a wider audience. I used this method throughout my magazine so that I could reach my target audience along with a wider audience that may not be attracted my other rock focused magazines.The target audience that I wish to reach out to in my magazine ranges from around 13-mid 20. The reason for my choosing of this specific age group is due to the content that will appear in my magazine. I feel that anyone in there 30’s or older will not appreciate the content of the magazine as much as someone in my given age group, however they may still want to read the magazine. Evidence to suggest that my magazine will appeal to a younger audience is through the bands that I chosen to represent in my magazine. Most of the bands if not all that are publicised in my magazine are reaching out to a young audience. Also, some of the bands have only recently been formed meaning that only younger audiences will have heard of them, and will appreciate their music. To make my magazine appeal to a wider audience such as people in their late twenties I have tried to incorporate language and events that would be more commonly associated with people of that age group. For example, I looked at ‘The Word’ who aims at a very mature audience. They incorporate very mature language in their articles which bring in that target audience. My belief was that if I mix these mature conventions with youthful conventions and ideas, then I would be able to create a wider target audience.To address and attract my chosen target audience I have incorporated such as layouts, colours, language etc that are familiar with many existing magazines that have the same genre type and target audience as my magazine. For example, in my double page spread I aimed to emulate most features of an article in one of Kerrang’s issues. I felt that the conventions used in this article would best fit the images that I have taken, and therefore, due to its success, create success for my own article in my magazine. For example, green was the main and most consistent colour of the Kerrang article, along with black, it created a dark and somewhat ‘extreme’ effect which I felt matched my genre type and target audience.

Moreover, I also looked at Kerrang when creating my contents page. After research I noticed that Kerrang always use the same layout and most times, colours, in order to reach out to their target audience. Consistent colours that are uses are black and yellow which keep with my dark and extreme effect that I had aforementioned. I also aimed to emulate their layout of contents. Due to myn and Kerrang’s target audience being very similar, and the fact that Kerrang is one of the, if not the most successful rock magazine in the world, my target audience would be familiar and would be adapted to their style of layout. They would not want to see any other type of layout presented in their contents. Therefore the fact that I have kept with their layout may help me draw in my intended audience and therefore making my a more successful look.

When looking at media institutions I found that the most appropriate and best suited institution would be Bauer. When researching media institutions I also looked at IPC media which like Bauer is a big media institution. After comparing both of the institutions I was able to determine that Bauer would be most appropriate for my magazine due to the fact that it is responsible for the distribution of magazines such as Kerrang, Q and Mojo. Whereas IPC media tends to publish magazines that drift away from the rock/indie genre, for example, Nuts, TV Times and Marie Claire. The fact that I have chosen to distribute my magazine with such a big institution such as Bauer could help the sales and popularity of my magazine.During the process of creating my magazine I have had to use many different types of technology and programming. I have learnt how to successfully use such programmes as Adobe Photoshop and illustrator, to which my success with before was not great. However, during the process of making the magazine I did have some trouble in using them. For example, I was had some difficulty in editing images in Photoshop and found that once I imported my photos into illustrator that they were not cut to perfection. As the production went on however, I was able to successfully create images that were cut to the best of my ability, through using methods that I was not aware of beforehand. I have also learned how to create different types of fonts both through the use of the internet and adobe Photoshop. Before the creation of my magazine I had not been successful in creating fonts. But as my knowledge of Photoshop developed I was able to import fonts from the internet and cut and edit them successfully in to my magazine.From the creation of my college magazine to my creation of music magazine I have learnt several things that I didn’t already no of. For example, I have learnt about the importance of keeping in touch with our target audience and genre type. When creating my college magazine I never once kept in touch with my audience which was college students. Unlike my music magazine, I never sent out questionnaires as to what they may want to see in the magazine. This was my main downfall, as without the backing of their target audience, no magazine can be successful as no one will purchase it. Also, when creating my college magazine I never kept to a consistent layout or colour scheme, and simply used conventions that looked nice to me. However, when creating a music magazine I developed an understanding of such things as a colour scheme, and choose colours such as red and black to emulate the emotion of my main social groups of Emo’s, Goths etc who are quite dark in their emotions, which is sometimes showcased through the rock genre. I also used layouts due to their success rather to my taste, as one of the most important parts of making a magazine is judging its success, rather than your own likeability.


Double Page Spread Final


Double Page Spread Draft



This interview is to be placed in a double page spread article in my magazine. Souvik and Rajit are two members of a band named 'The Hooks' who i have created specifically for my magazine genre.

1) ‘The HOOKS’- a one hit wonder: true or false?
Souvik: I wouldn’t like to picture ourselves as a one hit wonder. Unlike all these money and attention grabbing pop stars I want to establish a strong career through my music and personality. I hope to prove to people that I can achieve this however I do realise that I will always gain unwanted media attention such as this.

2) ‘The assumption nowadays is that young artists such as yourselves don’t last long in this industry due to your invulnerability to maintain audience?
Souvik: Assumption…… another view of the media I guess.
Rajit: Listen, any young artists has the potential to be successful, in my view it’s all about the way they go about doing this. I don’t know how the rest of my or Souvik’s career will go, but with the help of our fans and our record label we will be able to prove the critics wrong.

3) When you started out did you ever think that after a year you would have become one of the most loved young artists in the world?
Souvik: To be honest, no I didn’t. I mean who really believes that they will become a world renowned star at just 18. Whoever does is not thinking straight or is heavily gifted.
Rajit: I fully agree with Souvik on that matter however, I’m not taking my current success for granted; I still believe I have a lot to prove amongst my fans and others in the industry

4) Seeing as it is so hard for young stars to gain entrance into this industry successfully what advice or tips would you give to them?
Rajit: Well…….. When you’re young you have to have the mentality that not everything as is easy as you think its going to be. Becoming a musician consists of lots of hard work which takes mass amounts of practice before you could even consider entering the industry. A good idea may be to attend music classes or concerts in order to get a feel of what being a musician is all about.
Souvik: We are proof that hard work at any age can make you into a success.

5) On a lighter note, it has been rumoured that you are to produce an up and coming duet with Anette Olzon of Nightwish?
Souvik: Like much of what the newspapers say, this is again just speculation. But, I may say that it is possible. I mean we and, Anette are very close friends and have considered a duet together. However, she is currently on a tour around America, so it won’t be happening any time soon.

6) What were the factors that contributed to your successful and quick rise to stardom within the industry?
Rajit: There are many factors which contribute to anyone’s success in the industry. Personally it consisted of hard work and dedication. From the age of 10 I have been a musician. I practised every night after school, went to all the classes and concerts I could afford on the weekends. At the age of 16 I was able to start producing music and eventually start getting some gigs together locally. The rest pretty much writes itself.

7) What were the key characteristics you needed to make your voice heard – confidence, creative ability, sex appeal, courage?
Rajit: Personally I would have to say its all about passion, confidence and courage. If you have those three things you can achieve pretty much anything.
Souvik: I had the passion to get better at every part of my act, the courage to post my recordings to the internet and to record companies, and the confidence to go out there and perform in front of thousands of fans.

8) What are your current status involving your record company and your contract status?
Souvik: There continues to be growing speculation that we and our record company have to come to some disagreements, and that I am not going to get resigned. As far as I have been told there has been no change in my contract since I joined the company.
Rajit: We have not engaged in any arguments and are currently negotiating a new contract.

9) At your age and status, how do you aim to defend against media attention? Do you believe you’re vulnerable?
Souvik: Of course. Really no one is free from the media in this industry, as they look to pounce at any issue or speculation that may be of concern to the public. However, most of them never know the true story behind it. I do believe that I am vulnerable, but I’ll just have to find a way to get around the media attention every time such an issue occurs.

10) If you could have brought yourself into the music industry any differently, how would you have gone about this?
Rajit: Well, it certainly wouldn’t have been at this age. I mean, I do enjoy the fact that I have accomplished what I have waited so long for, but, I just believe that I need slightly more maturity before I can establish a solid successful career.


Contents Page Final


Content Page Draft


Front Cover Final


Front Cover Draft


Various Typeface For Final Front Cover

These are various types of fonts that I have been experimenting with when creating my front cover for my magazine.
I am aiming to create a magazine based on the rock genre and would like to get some feedback on what typeface is the most appropriate for my front cover.





Double Page Spread Analysis - Kerrang

The choice of band in this magazine is effective in that the genre type and target audience can be interpreted through the way in which the band is presented. The band is presented as being quite evil and dark. This can be related to the gothic side of the rock genre where the dark image is used quite regularly in order to adapt a sense of gothic nature. The use of the band slayer is effective due to the fact that they are a well known rock band. For a quarter of a century the duo have formed one of the worlds most controversial and best loved metal bands. But while they’ve faced and overcome challenges that would derail many a band – from endless concert protests to the banning of latest album Christ Illusion in India.

This shows how prolific their status is amongst the genre and how well known they should be. The magazine uses Slayer effectively to present the target audience, as the audience will be immediately drawn to the well known band in the article.

The type of language in this article is the same throughout the article except for the contrast in the way both band singers speak to the interviewer. Kerry King is somewhat rude through the language that he uses for example, ‘Fucking my wife and doing a shit load of drinking probably’. Throughout the interview there is other evidence of rude language and this therefore suggests that the band wants to aim at a more mature audience, or simply don’t have no concern for the way in which people should speak. In contrast, Tom Araya is quite subtle and uses simple language in response to all the questions put to him. Through his language he can also be seen as being quite kind and considerate, for example, in response to what he would do with one day to live he responded, ‘I’d spend it with my family. It’s not very metal, but that’s the honest truth’.

Colour is used effectively in this article both in the images and the text. The colours green and black are used consistently and are used separately so that they don’t create a clash. Green is used throughout certain parts of the text in the article to publicise certain areas of text that the magazine feels the reader should see, or to separate the interview questions from the answers. This is effective as the reader will immediately notice text that is highlighted in green and want to read it. Black is used in the main image to give an effect of the band being quite dark and/or evil. The black and white image also gives a sense of age, this is backed up by the fact that Slayer are quite and old band.

The double page spread is laid out so that the artists are predominately shown. It is clear that the magazine wants you to notice the band and notice what they are all about, due to the fact that they are so enlarged. This image takes up one whole page of the double page spread which leaved little room for large amounts of text. It subsidizes the text to one page leaving the double page spread split between image and text.

This shows the audience as not being very intellectual in that they value images more than textual references. As with magazines such as ‘The Word’, there is mass amounts of text compared to images due to the audience being slightly older and they value a good read. Whereas Kerrang readers do not wish to be bombarded with reading, they enjoy interpreting images and seeing there favourite artists.

The tone used in this article is differing between the band members. Both band members seem to have a different tone when speaking to the reader yet both aims to create a strong relationship with the reader. However they both have different approaches towards this, for example, Kerry King, is aggressive in some of his answers using swear words such as ‘shit’ and ‘fucking’ repetitively. Whereas Tom Araya is much calmer and talks to the reader as if they were a close friend by using a humorous tone for example, ‘I’d pee on everything! I thin it would definitely make the world a better place’.

The artists are presented as being quite confident and dark through the images. Due to the fact that they are from the 80’s they may be presenting themselves in a way that shows the confidence and morality. It may be that they are presenting themselves in this way as they have nothing to prove to the audience they are merely trying to produce a relationship with the Kerrang age group. However through looking at the interview it can be suggested that they are merely trying to entertain audiences this can be seen where it says, ‘ We’ve always been a band that lives day to day, and I think we’ll continue until someone says that they don’t enjoy it anymore’.

The style of the article is contrasting with that of the front cover due to the vibrant colours that the article uses. Unlike the front cover the article uses the colour green which is quite a vibrant and appealing colour, whereas the fronts cover is quite dark and the layout is dissimilar to that of the article. The front covers layout is aimed to promote rather than to inform this may be a factor which led to the magazine to adapt contrasting styles between their articles and front cover.

To understand or to be entertained by this article you may have to have some prior knowledge of the band in question. Seeing as Slayer is not a very commonly talked about band and the fact that they are from the 80’s suggests that the audience for Kerrang will need some prior knowledge. This is due to the fact that Kerrang audiences tend to fall into the category of teens to young adults.


Research into Future Publishing

Future Publishing has split its magazines, websites and events into four separate portfolios:

Games – Which include – Magazines:
PlayStation: The Official MagazineWorld Poker Tour: The Official MagazineXbox World 360Xbox 360: The Official Magazine

Events – Which Include – Music:Classic RockComputer MusicFuture MusicGuitarist
Film: DVD & Blu-ray ReviewSFXSky MoviesTotal Film

Technology – Which Include - Magazines:
Maximum PCMicrosoft Windows XP: The Official MagazinePC AnswersPC Format
Websites: techradar.com3dworldmag.comcomputerarts.co.ukdcmag.co.uk

Active – Which Include – Magazines:Sports:Cycling PlusMountain Biking UKOfficial Tour de France GuidePro CyclingWhat Mountain BikeHobbies & crafts:Cross Stitch CollectionCross StitcherPapercraft InspirationsScrapbook Inspirations
Auto: Classic FordClassics MonthlyFast BikesFast Car
Websites: Sports: bikeradar.comballhype.comcycling news.comHobbies & crafts: crossstitchermag.co.ukpapercraftinspirationsmagazine.co.ukscrapbookinspirationsmagazine.co.uksimplyknitting.co.ukyoucancraftmag.co.ukyourfamilytree.co.ukAuto: classicfordmag.comfastbikesmag.comfastcar.co.ukfastfordmag.co.uk

Key Characteristics:

Future sells over 4 million magazines each month and we attract more than 18 million unique visitors to our websites. We also produce more than 1,500 items of multi-media content every month and we host 25 annual live events, attracting hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts.

Links between their music magazine portfolio:

One link that is evident between each portfolio is that within it the magazines, websites etc share advertising. For example, the technology portfolio which contains such magazines as Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine, PC Answers will share advertisement that of which could be from Microsoft, or any other piece of PC advertisement, as they are both related to PC’s.

Promotion of other entertainment publications:

Through the different range of portfolios that Future Publishing has, they are able to promote other entertainment publications and vice versa. For example, active websites such as bikeradar.com, cycling news.com will be promoting there corresponding magazines such as Cycling Plus and Mountain Biking. This is achieved due to the fact that they belong to the ‘active’ portfolio, which sets out there aims and determines their publication.


Research into UK publication companies

Key characteristics:
Bauer is the largest privately owned publisher in Europe, publishing in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Additionally, Bauer publishes in the United States and Mexico. At the beginning of 2008, Bauer expanded its portfolio further by acquiring Emap’s Radio and Consumer Magazine divisions and changed the name of these new UK businesses to Bauer Media.

Examples of magazines:
Closer, Heat, Grazia, Bella, Take a Break, That’s Life, FHM, Zoo, TV Choice, Empire, Mojo, Max Power.
With the recent expansion with Emap, Bauer has become the largest mainstream production company in the UK. They play a key role in Men’s, Women’s and music magazine markets.

Target Audience:
Bauer’s target audience is based specifically around that of Women’s Weeklies, Women’s Interest, Women’s Lifestyle, TV Listings, Puzzles, Men’s Lifestyle, Music & Film and Specialist magazine markets. The audiences of these magazine markets all contribute to the audience of Bauer. The brand’s image is summed up well on their website, ‘Bauer will continue to innovate, driving its business and the ever-evolving magazine market forward’.

IPC Media:
Key characteristics:
IPC Media is a leading UK consumer magazine publisher. IPC is owned by Time Inc., the publishing division of Time Warner Inc. Their business is split into five distinct publishing divisions: IPC Connect, IPC Inspire, IPC Ignite, IPC Southbank and IPC TX. Alongside these is Marketforce, the UK's leading magazine distribution business.

Examples of magazines:
NME, Wallpaper, Golf Monthly, TV & Satellite Week, Nuts, Marie Claire, Country Life, Woman’s Own.
Their digital properties include NME.com, the third largest commercial music website in the UK and housetohome.co.uk, the UK's first homes portal. IPC's brands are very simply at the heart of the UK's cultural life

Target Audience:
IPC's diverse print and digital portfolio offers something for everyone. Almost two in every three UK women and over 44% of UK men read an IPC magazine. That's over 26 million UK adults.

Development Hell:
Key Characteristics:
Set up by ex-Emap executives David Hepworth, Jerry Perkins, Mark Ellen and Andrew Harrison. Business plan to launch three magazines over six years. Among the Development Hell team are some of the most experienced and respected operators in British magazines including The Word’s Editor Mark Ellen, and former Editorial Director of Q, Mixmag and Smash Hits, Andrew Harrison.

Examples of magazines:
Development Hell currently publishes two magazines,
The Word and Mixmag. We have provided consultancy for some of Britain’s biggest publishers such as Dennis, Future and IPC and were hired by Paul McCartney to produce the souvenir magazine for his 2002 World Tour. Development Hell Ltd is an independent magazine publishing company based in Islington, London.

Target audience:
Developments Hell’s target audience consists of music and entertainment fans generally of an older age due to The Word being generally based around this area, and Mixmag which is a clubbing magazine, which is connected to the music scene.

Key Characteristics:
BBC Magazines uses incorporate magazine publishing since they have radio and television which helps to promote with their product. ‘BBC Magazines provide a range of quality publications you can trust’ (as quoted on their website).

Examples of magazines:
BBC magazines are spilt into groups on the website Adult, Teens, Children’s and Pre-School, examples of magazines are:Adult -Top Gear, Radio Times, Lonely Planet Magazine and Focus Teen Top Of The Pops Children’s - Doctor Who Adventures, All About Animals and Match Of The Day MagazinePre-School - Bob The Builder, Cbeebies Animals, Toy Box and Teletubbies.
BBC magazines are commercial subsidiary.

Target audience:
‘From inspiring you to create a beautiful home and garden to entertaining and educating your children BBC Magazines provide a range of quality publications you can trust.’ This shows that the magazine appeals to a range of people with different people and age groups. This can be seen evident through the magazines that they have produced which range from Top Gear to Cbeebies.